Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Baby!

I made it a goal to update once a week and have not been doing a very good job! Wanted to say congratulations to my sister in law Jessie they just had baby #5! Cory and Jessie are super parents! They have a beautiful family and delivered a healthy, beautiful girl- Avory (don't know if the spelling is correct)

Scott has been on Lanai for a few nights now and it is pretty lonely around here. Tosh and I are keeping busy by going to the park everyday and the beach a couple times a week. I also planted a garden! I know what you are thinking, it is the middle of September, but that is the great thing about Hawaii, you can plant whenever you want! Last time LeRoy dug up my garden.

He looks so innocent, but he steals bathing suits (sorry Bec!) and is quite sneaky.

Tosh my little chiller! He loves to run at the park, but
has been known to gain too much speed and biff it from
time to time. Happy to report there have been no serious injuries!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What's that smell?!?

So, maybe some of you moms out there can relate to this story. But, if you are lucky, you can't! I was shopping at Safeway a few days ago and when I was just about done, Tosh started grunting-and that only means one thing-dirty diaper!! So, I very nonchalantly go about my shopping, seeing that I only have 3 items on my list. I am grabbing a can of cream of chicken soup and realize this has gone full mass! He smells terrible and the man with the kart next to me gives me this "eye". So I quickly move on to getting the milk and I lucked out-no one around. Last thing on my list is the cereal- oh crap! This is a very busy aisle and it was! Luckily no weird looks this time! I get to the check out and the lady in the check out line to the right of me turns around with a disgusted face and says "Whoa, it smells like rotten milk!" So I decide the cats out of the bag and let her know that it is Tosh's diaper. She was very embarrassed. Next, the bagger boy comes over and asks if I need any help-do I ever!

Can someone so cute smell so badly? The answer is YES!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day

So, we finally have a blog!! We had a great 3 day weekend. Saturday was of course a beach day. :) On Monday our church holds a Family Fun Fest. They have rides, food, bands and tons of people show up. This was especially fun because Tosh was finally old enough to go on the rides and walk around with all the kids. To cool off we headed to the beach house for the later part of the afternoon. Tosh is so lucky to be growing up at the beach!

Here is Tosh with his first cotton candy! He loved how soft it was.

Tosh and Scott playing at the beach. Tosh is fearless-he doesn't ever want to get out. He is our little water baby! Scott can't wait to get him on a board- whoa tiger! He needs to be a good swimmer first!